Sunday, 13 February 2011

The Assessment dedicated to Atos Origin, the company employed by the government to throw sick people off benefits. This may seem a stark 'assessment' of their role, but as they get paid a bonus for each person found 'fit to work' it is the plain truth. The fact that most of these people, if they have the energy and nerve to appeal, get their benefit reinstated barely gets reported. Nor does the anecdotal evidence from GPs that they have had terminally ill patients declared 'fit to work'. My concern is that the tests used in these assessments are uniquely unfair to people with mental illness, as they may well be physically able to lift a full kettle and walk 20 yards but are not able to work and are also unable to state their case because of their illness. Please contact you MP and ask for a government rethink about the way these assessments are carried out, an investigation into the terms of the Atos contract and special measures to protect the mentally ill from unfair treatment.

We’ve decided that you’re fit enough to work.
We’ve decided to increase your medication
We’ve decided that you’ve started to self harm
We’ve decided that you need an intervention
We’ve decided you’re a danger to yourself
We’ve decided that you really should be sectioned.

We’ve decided that you’re fit enough to work.


  1. Fabulous poem. I hope you don't mind me using it on my blog (have credited you:

  2. Thank you. You are absolutely welcome. Anyone with an anti ATOS message can use/repost this poem, credit/link to blog obviously appreciated.

  3. too right but how can anyone take atos to court for discrimination
