Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Do not read if depressed already...

Missed opportunity, missed out, missed connections, missed the boat, missed the point, missed the target, missed the prize. Story of a life.


Monday, 30 May 2011

No Matter How Old....

Broad and reassuringly strong, 
with knots and scars as testament 
to years of war and work,
they’d grip my little fingers ‘til it hurt,
though never out of malice
(but, possibly,
from fear of loss)

Now I yearn 
to feel that tender pain,
to reach up, 
seeking comfort,
and hold my daddy’s hands
just once again.

Consumer Pressure

There’s knowing that you need six things
There’s knowing what the six things are
There’s knowing how the six things look

There’s knowing how the six things feel
There’s knowing how the six things sound
There’s knowing how the six things smell

There’s knowing how the six things taste
There’s knowing why you need six things 
There’s knowing where to find those six

There’s knowing that you need six things
There’s knowing what the six things are
There’s knowing how to count to six

Barometer Bones

I knew, on waking, it was raining, the tell-tale aching told me so. 
As accurate as any needle swinging is the tingling of once-broken bones.


Sunday, 29 May 2011

Life Lesson

When you build your edifice, 
feel the pressing weight of every brick, 
beware whoever fits the lock, 
for they may turn 
and shut you out of it


Saturday, 28 May 2011

The Bird Table Burglar

There is no sign to tell the thief this treasure is not his;
the seeds serve bird and squirrel both alike. 
Besides, his antics make me smile


Friday, 27 May 2011

Being Attentive

She was standing,
I was sitting,
looking up.

She was speaking
and what she was saying
was really very interesting.

I was really listening,
but all the time thinking,
I don’t remember noticing,

her nostrils
are shaped
like perfect hearts.

Justifying Lying-in

The extra time in bed is thinking time, working out another rhyme or planning ahead the course of the day, well that’s what I’ll say anyway.
