Monday, 30 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 24

Lord, guide my feet at the end of the street,
is it heaven or is it hell? 
Seeking salvation down on my knees
or will I be saved by the Bell?

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 23

Ay up! The gaffers are on their way, 
there can be no mishap, 
for we’ll all have bloody hell to pay 
if the beer’s no good in the Brewery Tap!

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 22

Fibres float, framed 
in sun’s bitter infiltration, 
insignificant, silently 
insinuate, unsettle 

Friday, 27 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 21

Amorous? Us? No Officer, I swear 
we were just waiting 
for the bus. 
Her hands? Down there? 
Honest, she was 
helping me, searching 
for my fare!

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 20

What spell has relocated oil and gouache?
Drawn charcoal pencils here to Chapel Ash?
Kept the wrongtown sign, 
confusing people as they pass?

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 19

The shanty town of shrubs will go, give way to 
aisles of produce that serve a different taste,
not nettle nursery food and a buddleia buffet

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 18

Low Rider, Easy Rider? old school hardtail, 
Softail, Sportster, retro Road King, 
Sharknose Touring, 
Ultimate Electra Glide Blue

Monday, 23 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 17

Ellen shunned the shallow, empty pose, 
chose to fill her days with verses grave-and-gay, 
finding ways to reinvent her hometown in her prose.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 16

Boarded, yes, but boring, no, 
look up and travel back in time, 
play noughts and crosses with the windows, 
or scrabble with the tattered sign

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 15

No Champagne but there’s a nice 
Pink Fizz, Vin Rose and Cherry Wine, 
also a variety of whites, not dry but 
paint them on and give them time!

Friday, 20 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 14

Coo! Are you new to Wolverhampton? 
Need a place to squat and raise some squabs?
Charles Clark Building Chapel Ash, 
find us on

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 13

Silent shelves wait with bated 
dusty breath, fading pages whisper 
as ghost books spill their 
spirit words, sighing into 
the readerless void.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 12

Lonely sky tree, cold roots 
roof bound, weeps 
for soft ground, looking on 
a sea of faces, recognising 
isolation, loss and 


Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Chapel Ash # 11

Can’t stop, chrome chair, sit there, refuel, 
quick break, coffee and teacake.  
How’s about a cuppa tea, a nice comfy settee? 
Sit back. Relax.